grande prairie

10 juni 2018 - Grande Prairie, Canada

Hi All,  this night i stayed at a large campground in grande prairie where a lot live for the summer in trailer / campers.  The work in the area in summer.

So suddenly more then 100 neighbours while up to now it was between no neighbours and maximum 4.  but advantage the had internet. Yesterday evening it didn't work so now I'm in the car in front of the office ;-)

here some pictures from the last days

DSC02548  nice bear along the road.

DSC02604 big heard of bisons. they didnt want to look my way.



waterfalls are always nice.  I had to go down and up this stairs to get to the viewing point

and some more waterfalls



When I entered a campground in a forrest ( driving 29 on gravel roads from main road to get there,  I saw a bear climbing a tree,  he thought i could not see him but you can see him holding the tree.



when I didn't drive further he ran into the forrest / campground.


After that I decided to make a campfire to keep the bear away  ;-)



and grill a burger.


the wood was already chopped and laying next to some fire pits.

Wood for free .

it was glowing nicely


ok that was it for today. See you when I have internet again in the next days.



8 Reacties

  1. Synja:
    10 juni 2018
    Leuk je te volgen, Ton.
  2. Teunie:
    10 juni 2018
    We zyn weer opde hoogte groeten van ons
  3. Janneke:
    10 juni 2018
    Dat waren dan heel wat traptreden. Ik was die enge trap nooit van zijn leven opgegaan maar de foto’s zijn zeer de moeite waard!
  4. John:
    10 juni 2018
    Wat een mooie foto's Ton, het is echt geweldig. Ga je nog een helikopter vlucht maken? John
  5. Anita:
    11 juni 2018
    Dat is genieten! Veel plezier Ton.
  6. Arnold:
    11 juni 2018
    Hoi Ton,

    great area, really nice pictures. Keep posting.

    Keep going.
  7. Ton:
    11 juni 2018
    Hi Arnold. Thanks. Yes is great out here. I noticed Jasper was only 5 hours in wrong direction. Was there in 2002 . So now roads are connected to vancouver started holiday 😊 pitty there was to much wind for a cable car in jasper. But thats for next time then 😉
  8. Ton:
    11 juni 2018
    Hoi allemaal. Nog geen vliegplannen John. Maar je weet nooit. Kan zo anders zijn 😄Anita het os hier zeker genieten. Janneke het waren maar 183 treden. Eerst omlaag daar nog wat houten trapjes en daarna weer terug omhoog. Was wel de moeite waard.