In a Library in Forth Smith

6 juni 2018 - Fort Smith, Canada

Hi All,

Finally Internet . I'm behind a computer in Forth Smith in the Library,  open only a few hours a day.  Last days it is at night 4C and during the day 6-9  but for that is OK.  extra blanket in the camper not needed yet.

Yesterday I have a mama bear and 3 cubs and they didn't ran away. So I added the pictures.   All is going fine out here.  see my new pictures.  


3 Reacties

  1. Arnold:
    7 juni 2018
    Hi Ton,

    sounds all quite cool, sadly the mapshare link is not working, so I can not see, where you GPS actually is. Not that you glued it to a bison and you are doing something else. ;o) Ok, that is only my envy that you do it and not me ;o) Have fun, take care and keep posting.
  2. Ton:
    7 juni 2018
    HI Arnold, looks all nice so far. ok the linke is working for me. seen again 9 blackbears yesterday

  3. John:
    8 juni 2018
    Hoi Ton, als je zo door Canada rond reist, met veel ruimte & geen stress, zou je dan niet in Canada willen wonen?? Waar de mensen niet op elkaar lip zitten. Ik zelf denk dat je ondanks alles toch voor Nederland kiest??!! Nog een fijne voortzetting van je vakantie. John