Summer in Fairbanks

18 juni 2015 - Fairbanks, Verenigde Staten

Hi all.

After a few nights without internet I am now at a campground in Fairbanks AK.

It started to work properly after midnight when most people sleep.  But I'm awake. it is still light, although I'm now more south it is starting to get darker.  don't know if it will be light 24 hrs a day like in Inuvik.

Today was crazy it was 28 degrees celscius.  Problem with that is that the risc for wildfires is extremely high and on campgrounds there are no campfires allowed.

In Alaska are a number of fires and sometimes roads are closed. I saw only warnings for fires but didn't see one yet.


now some pictures from  a few days ago


Can Can show in old style gambling hall In Dawson City After a week in remote and empty yukon I went to a gambling hall in Dawson City for a Can Can show.The gambling hall was in the style of the gold rush around here.

20150616_011358 It was a nice view

20150616_014616 When I got out the Gambling hall it was still light outside.   it was almost 1 at night

20150616_015029 When I came back on the campground I saw that by then all spaces were occupied. Holiday seasons starts.  While typing this I hear a horn of a freight train. they are very long around here. It was a great evening and it even brought me money.  After deducting the entrance fee, drinks, more drinks and gambling I came out the door with 160 Canadian dollar more  then I went in the gambling hall  ;-)


Here are some more pictures of the last days in random order

dempster view along the dempster highway

more dempster view those views on the dempster are so different and never boring to me

snow on dempster here was snow along the road

stamp in pasport Nice stamp at the US border.  this is the most norderly land border crossing in the US

Car with a backpack I have seen a lot of things but a car with a backpack was new for me

On the way to fairbank. Alaska Higway this is on the alaskan highway direction fairbanks

more on the way to fairbanks This too

north pole alaska 1 I visited Santa in the town North Pole AK.

You see the blue sky and the sun behind Santa's head. It was 28 celcius there.



santa When Santa is not on his Christmas tour he is here practicing people on his knee pictures.  I just took a picutere of him.  It is a Christmas shop all year open and the tourist come by bus loads.

Being in North-Pole  and Fairbanks is really a shock after the emptynes of Yukon and Northwest territories.  More cars and people in an hour than the first 2 weeks together. traffic lights and 2*3 lanes express ways instead of a 1 or 2 lane gravel road.  But it is also fun.


Ok untill the next time I have internet.  It is really fast now at 1 o''clock. it is still light outside and 18 degrees but I go to sleep now . bye for now


